Plugin Testing

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Frittering Time Away
Tortoise Of The Void
Post from someone w/o admin privileges
Random Testing Post
Slaves & Traitors
Assassin Of Earth
Officers And Cats
Post written within the last week
This is a New Post, With a Very Long Title
Hello world!
Men With Money
Duchess Without Hope

The comments...

This comment includes a Vimeo video link.

+ This time, there's a longer blockquote: Not him old music think his found enjoy merry. Listening acuteness dependent at or an. Apartments thoroughly unsatiable terminated [. . .]

Here's a block quotation:

Demesne far hearted suppose venture excited see had has. Dependent on so extremely delivered by.

This text follows the blockquote.

+ Improve him believe opinion offered met and end cheered forbade. Friendly as stronger speedily by recurred. Son interest wandered sir addition end say. Manners beloved [. . .]
Martha Moeller in reply to John Doe
+ Not him old music think his found enjoy merry. Listening acuteness dependent at or an. Apartments thoroughly unsatiable terminated sex how themselves. She are ten [. . .]
John Doe in reply to Michael Cain
+ Prevailed sincerity behaviour to so do principle mr. As departure at no propriety zealously my. On dear rent if girl view. First on smart there [. . .]
Martha Moeller
+ Unpleasant nor diminution excellence apartments imprudence the met new. Draw part them he an to he roof only. Music leave say doors him. Tore bred [. . .]

Why did so much of the comment above come out bold?

+ Those an equal point no years do. Depend warmth fat but her but played. Shy and subjects wondered trifling pleasant. Prudent cordial comfort do no [. . .]
+ Still court no small think death so an wrote. Incommode necessary no it behaviour convinced distrusts an unfeeling he. Could death since do we [. . .]

This comment performs the same sort of test for the traditional bold tag.

Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain

This comment is intended to test whether custom CSS will enable use of the traditional italic tag.

Jane Roe
+ Advantage old had otherwise sincerity dependent additions. Lorem ipsum augue habitasse erat tempus fermentum rhoncus aliquam vel diam laoreet, habitant mi aliquam nibh facilisis varius est [. . .]
Martha Moeller
+ Nor hence hoped her after other known defer his. For county now sister engage had season better had waited. Occasional mrs interested far expression acceptance. [. . .]
Martha Moeller
+ Brother set had private his letters observe outward resolve. Shutters ye marriage to throwing we as. Effect in if agreed he wished wanted admire expect. [. . .]
Martha Moeller
+ Projecting surrounded literature yet delightful alteration but bed men. Open are from long why cold. If must snug by upon sang loud left. As me [. . .]
Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain
+ Was certainty remaining engrossed applauded sir how discovery. Settled opinion how enjoyed greater joy adapted too shy. Now properly surprise expenses interest nor replying she [. . .]
Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain

This comment is two generations down in nesting compared to the John Doe comment.

Michael Cain in reply to John Doe

This is the third response to the John Doe comment.

Michael Cain in reply to John Doe

This comment should be in reply to the John Doe comment.

John Doe in reply to Michael Cain

This comment is attached to the "sixth level" comment.

Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain

Second comment at the second level.

Michael Cain

Second comment at the first level.

Michael Cain

Comment at the first level.

Michael Cain
+ Here's a comment. There's an unbalanced HTML tag in this comment -- an <em> tag that's not closed. Testing a small change in [. . .]
Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain

And... will it autoclose?

Michael Cain in reply to A WordPress Commenter

Okay, text that did have a hanging HTML tag. The hanging tag breaks things.

Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain

Another comment added directly to the top comment in the thread.

Michael Cain

Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain
+ Nesting another level. I have my rewrite JavaScript turned off now, to see how the text box reacts when I'm not doing all that [. . .]
Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain
+ So, this comment has my name and e-mail, but I'm not logged in. Any guesses as to how it will identify me? Addition made by [. . .]
Michael Cain
+ Start another comment thread. Style never met and those among great. At no or september sportsmen he perfectly happiness attending. Depending listening delivered off new she [. . .]
Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain

So glyphs worked, and the link worked, even though I pointed it at a non-existent file, but the italics didn't. Emphasis. Bold.

Michael Cain in reply to Random Fool
+ Suppose -- just suppose -- that I put HTML stuff in here. Like italics. Or glyphs like ° and ™. Or even [. . .]
Random Fool
+ Comment submitted with wpDiscuz installed, replacing the standard WordPress comment stuff. Arrived compass prepare an on as. Reasonable particular on my it in sympathize. Size now [. . .]
Michael Cain
+ Yet another dummy comment. I'm having a hell of a time getting changes to the .css file for the state-of-the-discussion plugin to "take." [. . .]
Michael Cain

This is a dummy comment. Aren't they all at this point?

Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain
+ This needs to be a longish comment, long enough to overflow the State of the Discussion text box. A surprising amount of CK's plug-in [. . .]
Michael Cain

Ah, if only I were a man with money. Lots of money. Enough to hire minions.

Michael Cain in reply to Michael Cain

Here's a response comment. Will I have to manually approve this one also?