Category: Feature

Briefly, About Good Cops And Bad Cops

A funny thing happened yesterday: Ujiri’s legal team released bodycam footage that did not show what Strickland claimed it did.

The Worst Year

The old order has been shown for the lie it was. Putting things back the way they were is effectively impossible, and a new path forward must be made.

After the Fire

NeverTrumpers have to ask themselves an important question: what will they do come November 4th? What happens when and if Trump loses?

Sunday Morning! “Vagabond” by Agnès Varda

This week, I finally got up the nerve to write about Agnès Varda’s masterpiece “Vagabond,” a sort of reverse murder mystery: instead of wondering who killed the main character and why, we wonder who failed to save her and how.

Bombs For Baby Kittens!

Public safety only matters some of the time. I don’t know what to do with that kind of gross disconnect from people sworn to uphold the law.

Sunday Spins: The Texas Gentlemen

Do you like Little Feat? The Band? Early Sir Elton John? Then you will for sure like this little band from Texas

Always at the Abyss

This reluctance to condemn, this refusal to delineate between protesting and rioting, bears responsibility for what happened in Chicago last night

Han Fei and America

Han Fei had some thoughts on power and politics that are very relevant today.

Sunday Morning! Two by Arthur Schnitzler

Remembering the masterful Viennese writer whose works depict a high society of childlike adults living in an unreal dream that would, soon enough, give birth to the great nightmares of the twentieth century.

Saturday Spins: The Weird

What does a disgraced Vice President, break dancing, and an international farting contest have in common?! They are all on records on my shelves

The Crimson Letter

The world you think you want, if everyone would stay quiet and follow your rules, will not be implemented without an astronomical cost in human life.