Category: Law

Kenosha, Wisconsin: Updated

Things have gone from bad, to worse, to deadly in Kenosha, Wisconsin following the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Briefly, About Good Cops And Bad Cops

A funny thing happened yesterday: Ujiri’s legal team released bodycam footage that did not show what Strickland claimed it did.

Bombs For Baby Kittens!

Public safety only matters some of the time. I don’t know what to do with that kind of gross disconnect from people sworn to uphold the law.

Always at the Abyss

This reluctance to condemn, this refusal to delineate between protesting and rioting, bears responsibility for what happened in Chicago last night

On Not Wanting to Rest Content

When the George Floyd incident first happened, you could almost feel where this was going. With the release of the bodycam footage, here we are.